JWT Authorization Grant (RFC 7523 2.1)

Takahiko Kawasaki
3 min readAug 12, 2022



Section 2.1. Using JWTs as Authorization Grants of RFC 7523 JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization Grants defines another flow for access token issuance which is different from OAuth 2.0 standard flows defined in RFC 6749. We call it JWT Authorization Grant flow.

In the flow, a JWT (RFC 7519) is used as an authorization grant, which indicates that its holder has been authorized to get an access token. The JWT as an authorization grant is the same concept as an authorization code in the authorization code flow (RFC 6749 Section 4.1).

An access token requester can obtain an access token by presenting a JWT at the token endpoint (RFC 6749 Section 3.2). The diagram below illustrates the flow.

(This article is a partial reprint of the article “JWT Authorization Grant (RFC 7523 2.1)” on the Authlete website.)


Source of JWT

RFC 7523 does not define details about how the JWT as an authorization grant is generated by whom. Consequently, it is not defined in the specification how to obtain the key whereby to verify the signature of the JWT. Therefore, each deployment has to define their own rules which are necessary to identify the key for signature verification.

For example, some systems may define a rule like “The JWT must be an ID Token issued by https://example.com.” If a JWT is an ID Token, authorization server implementations can find the key for signature verification by using the standard mechanism (i.e. the discovery endpoint and the jwks_uri server metadata). Other systems may choose to embed the key for signature verification in the JWT itself as entity statements of OpenID Connect Federation 1.0 do.

In any case, systems must define additional rules to complement RFC 7523 when they employ the specification.

Token Request

Grant Type

To distinguish the JWT authorization grant flow from others, the specification has defined a new grant type urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer. The value is used as the value of the grant_type request parameter of a token request.

Client Identification and Authentication

The specification does not require client authentication and even client identification at the token endpoint. The specification states it as follows.

JWT authorization grants may be used with or without client authentication or identification.

Technically speaking, “with or without client authentication” means that the specification does not care about whether the client type (RFC 6749 Section 2.1) of the client application is public or confidential, and “without client identification” means that a token request does not contain information whereby to identify the client application making the request (e.g. lack of the client_id request parameter).


A token request of the JWT authorization grant flow may have the scope request parameter to specify scopes to request as the standard OAuth 2.0 flows may do.


A JWT used as an authorization grant is specified by the assertion request parameter, which is defined in Section 4.1. Using Assertions as Authorization Grants of RFC 7521 Assertion Framework for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization Grants.

Example Request

The following is an example listed in Section 2.1 of RFC 7523.

POST /token.oauth2 HTTP/1.1
Host: as.example.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

eyJpc3Mi[...omitted for brevity...].
J9l-ZhwP[...omitted for brevity...]

Token Response

Token responses in the JWT authorization grant flow conform to RFC 6749. No additional response parameters are defined by RFC 7523.

Only point to note is that invalid_grant must be used as the value of the error response parameter when the given JWT is invalid.


JWT authorization grant flow is supported by Authlete 2.3 onwards.

Regarding information about implementation, please refer to “Implementation” in the article “JWT Authorization Grant (RFC 7523 2.1)” on the Authlete website.


Authorization Server Implementation Example

JwtAuthzGrantProcessor.java in java-oauth-server, an open-source sample implementation of authorization server written in Java, is a sample implementation of processing a token request of the JWT authorization grant flow.

Note that the implementation is just an example and does not intend to be perfect for commercial use.

Request and Response Example

(1) Prepare a JWT in some way or other.


(2) Make a token request.

curl http://localhost:8080/api/token -d grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer -d assertion=$JWT -d client_id=5908895171 -d scope=email

(3) Receive a token response.




Takahiko Kawasaki
Takahiko Kawasaki

Written by Takahiko Kawasaki

Co-founder and representative director of Authlete, Inc., working as a software engineer since 1997. https://www.authlete.com/

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